Did You (Can You) Pass Math?

Did You Pass Math? is a blogware plug-in that “restricts comment spam by throwing the commenter a simple math question.” It works about 100% of the time against automated coments. Unfortunately, it also works about 50% of the time against real coments. When it fails, it eats your comment. I think it fails most often around suppertime.

Here’s the scoop. Either include a nice, Dunning-sized scoop of rum raisin ice cream with your comment or write your comment in a separate app like Notepad or your word processor of choice, then copy and paste it into the comment field.


60-Cubed … Cap Cancer!

Some regular readers know that I have “long-ish” hair. Anne has cut my hair for most of our 30 years of marriage but she quit when I started renovating the kitchen. See, with the house in an uproar, she had nowhere to cut it. And in fact, my hair has been growing out since 2003.

I’m lucky to have so much hair.

My mom lost hers when she went through chemotherapy. She bought a fright wig and loved it. Read more


In real life, I have engineered solutions for small business for more than 20 years at the Harper Company. The rest of the time I chair an arts council and am a writer and regional photographer.

I am a contributing columnist for New England’s oldest afternoon daily. I write trade and general interest articles on consumer issues, cars and boats, manufacturing equipment, and management for small businesses and arts organizations. As an outdoor and nature photographer, I offer fine art and stock photography from New England, Florida, the Southwest, and around the United States.

I don’t want a blog — blogs are too much work. I have told everyone I know that I’m not going to commit to writing regular entries in a blog.

I have a blog.

Here are the top five reasons I’ve decided to go ahead.

5. I’m a creative genius with a need to publish. We
know that’s not true. Oh, I’m indeed a creative genius
but I already churn out 50K words each year for a real
local fishwrap.

4. It’s do this or finish renovating the kitchen. There is a
lot of truth to that although most writers will use any job
(absolutely anything) to avoid writing.
3. I’ve tried complaining to my family and they don’t
listen. So here I can complain to the world instead.

2. I don’t subscribe to any other blogs so I naturally know
exactly how to do it.
1. There are a lot of things I simply need to write. Most of
these are too short (or too widely reported) to use in my
op-eds. Most are what I already email to what a friend calls
“a select list of the uninterested” so it’s no extra work. Mostly …
I write so I won’t forget.
I write so my children can’t forget.
I write just because.


Finally, I didn’t write a Christmas Card letter this year. I was too busy blogging.