
A fair number* of people in the First World believe they can change the climate.

They really really really believe they can change the climate. They have faith.

Plea for a RaindancerHmmm.

Why don’t they start a little smaller by changing something important like how much it rains in California? It’s so bad out there that Starbucks had to stop selling California mountain spring water. They substituted cool Saharan waters.

I reckon that evening out the rain that falls over the US would do it. The South Central Plains will get another 3-7 inches today.

How ’bout all you political scientists who believe you can tax and regulate a cooler planet just move that a rain bit so Cali gets 2-6 inches and the Plains an inch?

What? You don’t think they can do that?


* “Fair” in this case means about 1.3% of the world population plus 70% of politicians and 90% of bobble-headed celebrities.