And then I got the doomsday letter.
“XFINITY is coming. Soon you’ll enjoy TV, Internet anc Voice service made possible by Comcast’s upgrade to an all-digital platform … equipment may be required to receive ALL channels.“
The !@#$%^ Comcast office was crowded and had just two reps manning the counter. When I got to the counter, I told the rep that all I have are channels 3-20 and asked if I needed a converter or if the most basic basic channels would remain analog. The rep said I needed it. Then I asked about changing channels.
“Oh, you just set your TV to Channel 3 or 4. It’s easy,” she ‘splained.
“No. How do I change stations when I’m recording with a VCR,” I told her. “Say I want to record channel 7 at eight o’clock, change to channel 10 at nine, and channel 4 at ten?”
“Let me get you a service technician.”
He told me that wasn’t possible but, he said, I didn’t really need the converter because channels 1-26 weren’t scheduled to go digital.
Cool. I almost left right then but the rep contradicted him.
“All the channels will switch March 15,” she said.
Swell. Now I have three digital boxes that give me less service than my zero current digital boxes since THEY CANNOT BE PROGRAMMED TO CHANGE THE CHANNEL.
Yes, I am shouting.
And it took more than an hour to get them.
I get to pay more per month for less service. And that’s the story of dealing with !@#$%^ Comcast.
On the other hand, I met the man who owns the DC-3 in Marathon and I bought a yellow croton, so the day wasn’t a total loss.
I realize this is a horrible thing to suggest, but have you considered going without TV? We haven’t had TV at our house since they all went kaplooie nearly 3 years ago, and we are doing fine.
At Christmas I went to WalMart and bought a 21 inch TV, but it’s still in the box. I might get to it before Easter but Mrs George is not counting on it.
It’s just a suggestion. But for some it is like telling an alkie to stop drinking. My neighbor tried to do it, and his wife had to be hospitalized with WWS (Winfree Withdrawal Syndrome).
— George
@George: “have you considered going without TV?”
We’d miss the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show!
I learned Victoria’s secret years ago when I peeked through a knot hole in the girl’s shower room at school.
— George