“The way this thing is going, it is a good thing we have a word like worser,” Bob Schieffer said yesterday morning on Face the Nation.
And the hits just keep on coming.
“If the website doesn’t work, nothing else matters,” Barack Obama, 2010.
The Washington Post reports that in 2010 a pointed memo warned Mr. Obama’s top economic aides that no one in the administration was “up to the task” of constructing the insurance exchange and all the other intricacies of translating the 2,000-page Unaffordable Care Act into practice. The Washington Post. Not the Washington Times. Not the WashingtonExaminer.com. The Washington Post.
Didn’t matter.
“They were running the biggest start-up in the world, and they didn’t have anyone who had run a start-up, or even run a business,” said Harvard’s David Cutler, a health adviser to Mr. Obama’s 2008 campaign.
And the hits just keep on coming.
Damned lies.
“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,” Barack Obama, 23 times from 2008 through 2010, and again in 2011. And again in 2012.
Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) may have rolled out the official Doublespeak: “As I understand it, you can keep it up to the time the bill was enacted, then after that it’s a different story. I think that part of it, if true, was never made clear.” Your liberal friends will be quoting this now.
And the hits just keep on coming.
It’s not even the biggest startup. Amazon.com attracts about 65 million customers every month. Healthcare.gov must handle the 15 million people who buy their health insurance on the individual market. About 2.7 million of them tried in the first few days, or about half what Amazon handles each and every day during the Christmas season.
I use amazon.com and find it easy and intuitive. And the widgets I buy arrive in a truck 5 to 8 days later. I’ve tried to use healthcare.gov several times. It ain’t easy or intuitive and I still don’t have any idea of what policy I’ll have 58 days from now when my current policy evaporates.
And the hits just keep on coming.

Whether the website works isn’t the problem. The website is symptomatic of the problem.
“They didn’t have anyone who had run a start-up, or even run a business.”
And that, in a nutshell, is the problem. My liberal friends devoutly believe that you don’t actually need to know anything to run a business. Or, apparently, to run a government.
“It’s very hard to think of a situation where the people best at getting legislation passed are best at implementing it. They are a different set of skills,” Dr. Cutler said.
That’s our choice. Do we trust a government that trains for disaster, then rolls out FEMA; that has the greatest web gurus in the world, then gets caught spying on Angela Merkel; that has 3-1/2 years to build a Blue Cross website, then rolls out Ms. Feinstein’s sorry excuses? Do we trust that government to stitch our wounds and mend our broken bones?
My liberal friends are devout. And wrong.
And the hits just keep on coming.
My North Puffin insurance guy reminded us that the rollout itself is a cluster fudge: “At this point things are changing daily so I don’t really have a great answer. It looks like the deadline has been pushed back 3 months.
“This creates a bunch of other questions. If you wait to change your plan and have expenses early in the year, then change plans again in March, will you have to pay another deductible, out of pocket, etc?”
Gov. Shumlin apparently never spoke to BCBS before making his grand extension announcement! I get my current insurance through the Chamber of Commerce which as of today still says coverage will end as of 1/1/14. They have no idea what is going on either.
Liberals are naïve.
But the rest of us need to get past the non-operative nonvirtues of the website and get our arms around the damnable reality that Obama knowingly lied like a used clunker salesman. He knew it, and he knew that the liberal media would shill for him when the truth came out — as they have. “President Obama misspoke” is their mantra. What a hoot.
As Herr Blogmeister pointed out, he “misspoke” at least 23 times.
Another veiled aspect of the affordable healthcare Act is that it is not really “Universal Healthcare” as some have labeled it. It is actually “International healthcare” because everyone from other nations who come here can obtain free health care at the expense of US citizens who may still have jobs and pay taxes.
That — BTW — is a feature of “One World Government.” Ooops! There’s that spooky catchphrase again. Sorry, liberals; but soon you will have to grab your orts of food and go hide from a violent society that will be hell-bent (and yes, I know the definition of hell) to take it away from you without contrition. You will cry out to Obama to come save you, but he will be incommunicado.
— George
I wrote “Sen. Feinstein rolled out the official Doublespeak: ‘As I understand it, you can keep it up to the time the bill was enacted, then after that it’s a different story. I think that part of it, if true, was never made clear.’ Your liberal friends will be quoting this now.”
Obama further “refines” the ‘you can keep your plan’ “pledge.”
I guess a pledge isn’t really a pledge except on NPR.
Obama “Tweaking” ‘If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan’
I guess a pledge isn’t really a pledge except on PBS.
WhiteHouse.gov at odds with the Obama tweakery.
But only a small number of malcontents would Google to prove doublespeak.
Gimme a break.