“I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.’ I have a dream . . .”
I had a dream that native-Americans would just be … Americans.
I had a dream that Irish-Americans would just be … Americans.
I had a dream that Italian-Americans would just be … Americans.
I had a dream that Chinese-Americans would just be … Americans.
I had a dream that Bolivian-Americans would just be … Americans.
I had a dream that African-Americans would just be … Americans.
It was a wonderful dream but it never quite worked for the politically correct so the politically correct used our common language (empujar nueve para Español) to segregate us into into little (and not so little) warring factions and cliques and ethnic groups.
I do have a dream . . .
E Pluribus Unum – From Many to One
America was the original “melting pot;” we welcomed people from every different country, race, and religion, people hoping to find freedom, people hoping to find opportunity, people hoping to find a better way of life.
And those people melted into the common culture that was America.
Oh, sure, there have always been bigots but the immigrant Americans wanted to learn English, wanted to fit in, wanted the dream.
Today, the new bigots (the politically correct) would segregate them into cultural ghettos where English is not spoken, where the people don’t fit in, where the people lose their dreams.
Worthy of note, ABC News reported this evening that the United States now has about 300,000 “Syrian-Americans.”