A friend just wrote, Out the upstairs bedroom window I can see tiny green buds at the tips of all the tree branches. A lovely sign of a lovely, hopeful day to come. A good sign.
The frangipani is beginning to bloom in the Keys.
24° here in North Puffin this morning. It was supposed to be partly sunny all morning then cloud over with a 40% chance of snow showers. The clouds are already here. We had snow on the first day of Spring. And the second…
Where’s that @#$%^ Punxsutawney Phil?
I took my customary two-mile dash through the subdivision this morning just after 0500 hrs. The temp was a balmy 68F with moderate humidity.
It was my first time to do it at that time of the day this year, opting normally to run after the school busses come through and haul the kids away. But if I run at five ayem, I’m ahead of the morning dog walkers, and I can be home early enough to get to the rich guys’ gym before the crowd.
Free time is a terrible thing to waste.
— George
An hour’s drive up the hill from me, Boreal Ridge has to date had a record 704″ of snow. 217″ in March alone. I love California, I really do.
It snowed here in January 2010. I made a snowball, and thet just about wiped it out. But a lot of the pipes froze. All except mine.
Today it’s about 80F, and I mowed and edged my lawn. I will put the grass clippings on my compost pile in hopes of it fertilizing my garden in 2012 and beyond. I needs be keep my squash seedlings covered up with a fine mesh lest the neighborhood cats inadvertently dig them up while answering nature’s call.