“Lindsay Lohan is undergoing treatment at the Betty Ford.” “Mo’Nique wants us all to stop picking on poor Lindsay Lohan.” “Troubled star Lindsay Lohan is fighting back at a company that filed a lawsuit against her for allegedly stealing spray tan secrets.”
Spray tan secrets?
Lilo coverage. It’s all LiLo, all the time. Faux News, Los Angeles Times, NYTimes.
This is news? Hey mainstream media! Isn’t it time to let intrepid boy reporter Jerry Springer cover this important story?
Breaking news: Heidi and Spencer, whoever the FUCK they are, have stopped their divorce and are going to try to work things out.
Why why why why must we ever hear about this shit? ::bangs head against desk::
I have wondered, of late, if the MSM “reports” this drivel for the same reason Congress “investigates” steroid use in major league baseball: to keep us from noticing the real news.