Today is Memorial Day in the United States. The holiday once known as Decoration Day commemorates the men and women who perished under the flag of this country.
Although the recognized birthplace of Memorial Day is Waterloo, New York, many Vermont Towns including North Puffin marked the end of the Civil War with a day and ceremonies to decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers. Today, in addition to parades and remembrances, Vermont offers Memorial Day Weekend Specials (3 nights and Sunday brunch for just $150 for two people) and an Open Studio Weekend with artists marking the beginning of summer. Other areas really do treat Memorial Day as the first day of summer. The Indy 500 today has run on Memorial Day weekend since 1911.
Lest we forget, the Americans we honor did not “give their lives.” They did not merely perish. They did not just cease living, check out, croak, depart, drop, expire, kick off, kick the bucket, pass away or pass on, pop off, or bite the dust. Their lives were taken from them by force on battlefields around the world. They were killed. Whether you believe they died with honor, whether you believe our cause just, died they did.
There is no end to the mutts who would kill our men and women and would then turn around and kill their own. If I had but one wish granted on this day, I wish not another soldier dies. Ever. But die they did and die they will.
Because those men and women died, I get to write these words. And you get to read them.