Vote Early, Vote Often

The Media Research Center went to the Supreme Court protests to ask the question, Should Illegal Immigrants Be Allowed to Vote in America?


The Right-Thinkers for Electoral Change (the RTEC) have a new engine to reframe the United States Congress. We’re all going to vote against Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. And we can do it.

Apparently California’s requirement that “you must be a U.S. citizen; a California resident; at least 18 years of age on Election Day; not in prison or in county jail (serving a state prison sentence or serving a term of more than one year in jail for a defined “low-level” felony), or on parole, post-release community supervision, or post-sentencing probation for a felony conviction; and not judged by a court to be mentally incompetent” to register to vote is only advisory. Nevada offers similar advice.

The California voter registration deadline for the general election must be postmarked no later than October 22, 2012. The last day to request a VBM ballot by mail is October 30. Registered voters may apply for a vote-by-mail ballot for an upcoming election at any time. If you apply by mail, your application must be received no later than 7 days before an election, otherwise you will need to apply in person to get a vote-by-mail ballot for that election.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi was number five of the top 20 liberals, once the highest-ranking female politician in American history, and still the go-to Democrat in Congress according to The Telegraph in 2010. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is number nine of the top 20.

If it’s good enough for an undocumented worker, it’s good enough for me.

The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The RTEC encourages all voters from the right-thinking East Coast of the United States to apply the suggestions set forth by undocumented worker supporters and register to vote in California or Nevada today. Or both.

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