ShumpleCare = ShumlinCare. You say “rose,” I say “tomato.”
Vermonters will spend about $5 Billion on health care this year.
Last year, Harvard’s William Hsiao developed three models to reform this state’s health care system. Dr. Hsiao, an economics professor, and his team recommend a Single Payer Health Care System. It should be financed, they reported, by a payroll tax of 9% on employers plus 3.5% on workers.
The payroll tax would be imposed on all employers whether they currently provide insurance or not, whether they have a self funded ERISA plan or not. That idea scared Vermonts largest private sector employer, IBM, which self-insures its thousands of Vermont employees as well as every small business owner in the state.
Five billion dollars.
New state revenue.
There is not a politician in the world not attracted to five billion dollars in new revenue.
The Vermont Assembly passed H.202, the UNIVERSAL AND UNIFIED HEALTH SYSTEM, last week. Governor Peter Shumlin is expected to sign it today.
ShumpleCare (H.202) has four principle components. It institutes a Health Insurance Exchange. It concocts a new bureaucracy, The Vermont Health Care Reform Board. It commits to single payer as the future of health care in Vermont. And it spawns Green Mountain Care to operate the single payer system.
Gov. Shumlin visited Northwestern Medical Center on April 25. The governor dispelled rumors of hospital closures under H.202. (He had told the St. Albans Messenger that some smaller hospitals would be closed.) Hospital CEO Jill Bowen noted that NMC and the governor “disagree on the need to understand the financial and operational details of healthcare reform before it is passed into law.”
Did Gov. Shumlin actually say there is no need to understand the financial and operational details of his healthcare reform plans before they are passed into law?
“Universal health care means universal,” David Karindler, a Vermont Workers Center organizer, said as he decried an H.202 amendment that excludes undocumented workers.
“This is the first time such hateful language has been put in legislation,” he added. “We’re all about inclusion in this state. This is about undocumented people flocking to the state. Why would they flock to a place with no housing and no jobs?”
Did Mr. Karindler actually say this is a bad law because it doesn’t cover people in this country illegally?
The Hsiao report predicted $580 million in savings. The law should spend $395 million of the expected savings to cover the uninsured and under insured, to provide basic dental and vision services, plus another $50 million to recruit new and retain current primary care providers. Wow. An extra $135 million for the Demorats to spend! Woo hoo!
Rep. George Till wouldn’t vote for ShumpleCare until the bill removed all traces of the term “single payer” and replaced it with the words “universal and unified health care system.” Wow. We changed the words. That makes it all alright. Rep. Till, a Democrat, represents Jericho, Underhill and Bolton in the Vermont State House. He is in his second term.
A rose by any other name still falls under Title 32, Chapter 233, §9772 of the universal and unified tax code.
To recap:
- Vermont’s legislators want to control five billion new dollars each year.
- Vermont’s governor told us not to sweat the details like cost.
- Vermont’s lefty loons are revolting because the bill doesn’t cover illegal aliens.
- Vermonters are left holding the bag. Again.
One great part about living in Vermont is our access to public officials. I’ve called four of the last five governors by their first names; several of them have sat in my living room. I don’t know Peter Shumlin. Yet. One great part about living in Vermont is our ability to talk to public officials. As long as they listen.
As Vermont goes, so goes the nation. Don’t say I didn’t Warn You.
Ones backside is a terrible place to acquire a screw, and I sense your devious bait to lure me over the protective haybales and into the prohibition of indecency. Admittedly it is an inviting siren’s song; but I decline the motion.
Instead, just let me just say that regardless of who the healthcare giver turns out to be, I hope your co-pay is within your budget and that you enjoyed the encounter.
— George